Symbio Networks, a recognised industry leader in IP Voice communications and part of the MNF Group (ASX:MNF), has taken the industry to task, questioning why customers are being forced to bear the financial brunt of toll fraud.
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Symbio Networks, a recognised industry leader in IP Voice communications and part of the MNF Group (ASX:MNF), has taken the industry to task, questioning why customers are being forced to bear the financial brunt of toll fraud.
TollShield, the real time toll fraud blocking innovator, today called on the international telecommunications industry to take action on toll fraud following another series of attacks over the 2016 Easter long weekend.
MyNetFone, Australia’s largest provider of hosted voice and data communications services, today called for the NBN to level the playing field for mid-size telcos in Australia by reducing the 121 POIs required to reach directly, removing outdated CVC usage-based cost model and writing off the part of the government network build cost.
Symbio Networks, a recognised industry leader in IP Voice communications and part of the MNF Group (ASX:MNF), today announces significant expansion of its New Zealand operations, with roll out of a nationwide fully-interconnected voice network and appointment of New Zealand telco industry veteran Steve Norman to oversee wholesale business development and carrier relations.
The Board of global voice specialist MNF Group (MNF) are very pleased to report another strong performance for the six months ended 31 December 2015. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 64% to $8.2 million, with net profit after tax (NPAT) increasing by 29% to $4.0 million, compared with the same period a year earlier. Revenue for the half increased 177% to $84.0 million.
Partners to benefit from widely increased addressable market with wider range of solutions and services
The Board of Australian telecommunications provider My Net Fone Limited (MNF) are very pleased to report another high performance result for the six months ended 31st December 2013.
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