Programmatic DOOH shifts to mainstream for agency consideration with data and targeting capabilities driving usage

Australian advertising agencies are continuing to embrace programmatic digital out of home advertising (pDOOH), with 83% of agencies having used pDOOH and 48% at least regularly considering it according to the Attitudes to DOOH 2022 Report which was released today by IAB Australia at AdTECH:OOH.  The Report is based on a survey of 530 advertising professionals across agencies, brands and ad technology suppliers in the Australian market conducted in July 2022.

Data and targeting were identified as the key driver of pDOOH usage this year, with flexible buying options, which was the number one driver last year, dropping to the number two position as COVID induced campaign uncertainty and changes has decreased.  Impacting brand awareness remained the dominant objective for pDOOH, however there has been an increase in the use of programmatic DOOH for direct response activities compared to last year (up from 17% to 30%).

The Report also found that there is greater integration of planning and buying programmatic DOOH with other formats this year, with the majority of respondents at least sometimes planning and buying programmatic DOOH collaboratively with digital video or digital display, or all programmatic formats together. 

The return to near pre-pandemic levels of consumer mobility has given agencies confidence to increase usage of roadside and transport formats, with the Report finding that the greatest increase in usage of over the last year is for health venues.

Gai Le Roy, CEO of IAB Australia said: “While we know that the percentage of DOOH inventory being bought programmatically is still a small part of the market, it is growing rapidly and the results of the Attitudes to DOOH report reveal a large part of the agency market is now considering this option regularly. 

“Pleasingly we are seeing less programmatic digital home inventory being planned in isolation to other digital inventory options, even though there as some different considerations for OOH inventory compared to other digital inventory options.  This holistic planning will assist in a well-rounded approach for clients and continue to bring in new clients into the OOH channel,” said Le Roy. 

Ben Allman, Chair of the IAB Australia DOOH Working Group and APAC Sales Director at Broadsign said: 

“The incredible number of responses to the survey, not only from agencies but brands as well, is a testament to the level of buy-side interest in this rapidly growing and evolving space. The findings provide a detailed insight into the current state of programmatic DOOH in Australia and will be used by the IAB's DOOH Working Group to determine where we should be focusing our efforts over the coming 12 months." 

The Attitudes to DOOH 2022 Reportwas first launched in 2021 to help the industry understand the current use of pDOOH media trading in Australia, exploring the needs of the market as well as opportunities and barriers for advertisers, agencies, media owners and technology companies. The 2022 survey reached a larger number of respondents with a greater proportion of respondents from mainstream agencies and a greater spread of respondents across agency roles.

The IAB DOOH Working Group member organisations include: Amobee, Bench, Broadsign, Esssence, Google, GroupM, Hearts & Science, Hivestack, JCDecaux, MiQ, OIS, oOH!, OMA, QMS, Seedooh, Shopper Media Group, The Trade Desk, Tonic Media Network, Val Morgan Outdoor, Veridooh, Yahoo! And Vistar Media

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About the Interactive Advertising Bureau

As an independent industry association with more than 150 members in Australia and nearly 9,000 globally spanning media owners, publishers, technology companies, agencies, and advertisers, IAB works to align industry stakeholders to develop solutions for the issues faced by the market and develop standards that are integral to the operation of digital advertising.

IAB Australia also works closely with other industry associations including MFA and AANA to help shape the rules of play around measurement, Australian Digital Ad Practices, mentorship, global tech and policy work, Tech Lab standards, standardising terminology and supporting the broad media and marketing community.