Research reveals Out-of-Home creative containing distinctive brand codes delivers a 13 per cent uplift in mental availability

Leading Out-of-Home media company JCDecaux New Zealand has released the results of its latest proprietary research project, which revealed that Out-of-Home creative incorporating distinctive brand codes – including logo, colour, shape, tone of voice and style of imagery – averaged a 13 per cent uplift in category mental availability versus weakly coded ads. 

The study examined how using distinctive brand codes in Out-of-Home creative influences mental availability. Mental availability is one of the most important metrics for brands and is often under measured compared with awareness or consideration. Mental availability predicts propensity for a brand to come to mind in a buying situation versus simply being known.

Victoria Parsons, JCDecaux New Zealand Senior Insights and Strategy Specialist, said: “This was our second JCDecaux Intelligence study looking at memorability. The first looked at format, and this study extends to creative. At JCDecaux, we subscribe to the view that advertising ‘works’ through building memory structures that consumers call on in a buying situation. This study puts specific numbers around our knowledge that strongly coded Out-of-Home advertising can influence decision making and drive a sales effect.”

The study also found:

  • ads with strong brand codes are liked 31 per cent more than weakly coded ads

  • liked ads drive uplifts in category mental availability by 18 per cent because strongly coded ads are easier to cognitively process, which leads to perceived preference.

Conducted in partnership with New Zealand based behavioural insights company, NeuroSpot, the robust study involved 1,600 participants, who were shown real campaign creative across five categories: Automotive, Banking, FMCG, Energy and Alcoholic Beverages (Beer). Respondents either saw campaigns with strong brand codes, weak brand codes, or random creative (control group).

Cole Armstrong, NeuroSpot Managing Director, said: “This research shows something we all intuitively understand. There are points for showing up, but if you really want to impact your customers, it’s the way you surface your brand via Out-of-Home advertising that will make the difference. If you ensure your ads are strongly coded with distinctive brand codes, the potential for you to leave a lasting impression in the minds of consumers is significantly increased”.

Gary Rosewarne, JCDecaux New Zealand Sales Director says, “Our role as a leader in Out-of-Home is to help advertisers create the best Out-of-Home campaigns. We know that creativity drives effective outcomes for brands, but we can now validate that creative using strong brand codes delivers a sales effect. It is not about one or the other but ensuring Out-of-Home campaigns deliver both”.

This study is part of the JCDecaux Intelligence programme, that dedicates funds to annual local research projects to better understand how consumers connect with JCDecaux Out-of-Home touchpoints. It builds on the 2021 Neuroscience study looking at memorability of Large Format; and follows projects investigating attention, emotion and effective Out-of-Home strategies.

The full webinar with research results can be viewed here.


About JCDecaux

JCDecaux is the number one out-of-home media company worldwide, with more than 1 million advertising panels in more than 80 countries and more than 13,000 employees. For FY19, JCDecaux reported revenue of approximately €3,890 million. Incorporated in 1964 in France, JCDecaux was listed on the Paris Stock Exchange in 2001. JCDecaux has been providing high quality, architecturally designed street furniture in Australia since 1997. Its Australian and New Zealand businesses includes 40,000 assets spanning airports, rail, transit, static and digital billboards. 

Key figures

  • 2021 revenue: €2,745m (a)

  • N°1 Out-of-Home Media company worldwide

  • A daily audience of more than 850 million people in more than 80 countries

  • 957,706 advertising panels worldwide

  • Present in 3,518 cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants

  • 10,720 employees

  • JCDecaux is listed on the Eurolist of Euronext Paris and is part of the Euronext 100 and Euronext Family Business indexes

  • JCDecaux is recognised for its extra-financial performance in the FTSE4Good (4.2/5), CDP (A Leadership), MSCI (AAA) and has achieved Gold Medal status from EcoVadis

  • 1st Out-of-Home Media company to join the RE100 (committed to 100% renewable energy)

  • Leader in self-service bike rental scheme: pioneer in eco-friendly mobility

  • N°1 worldwide in street furniture (530,143 advertising panels)

  • N°1 worldwide in transport advertising with 154 airports and 215 contracts in metros, buses, trains and tramways (340,753 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in Europe for billboards (72,611 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Europe (596,831 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Asia-Pacific (232,268 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Latin America (64,893 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Africa (20,808 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in the Middle East (14,177 advertising panels)