JCDecaux research reveals necessity is driving consumer spending in 2022 as cost-of-living bites

JCDecaux New Zealand has released the results of its latest IRIS audience research, which reveals consumers are scrutinising FMCG spend as the cost of living rises and household budgets are put under pressure.

Victoria Parsons, Senior Strategy and Insights Manager JCDecaux New Zealand said: “‘Our Shopping List Status’ research found that New Zealanders are tightening the purse strings, with 91 per cent noticing household budgets being stretched and a quarter of respondents reporting that they are actively cutting back. For New Zealanders noting reduced disposable incomes, grocery shopping is an easy place to make cuts. Shoppers are increasingly paying close attention to what goes onto lists and intro trolleys. It is interesting to understand consumer perceptions as to what is a necessity and what is a luxury; we see consumers justifying brand purchases as necessary for quite personal reasons.

“Out-of-Home can be a powerful platform to impact and influence in-store and online shoppers throughout the day while they are mentally planning their shopping lists. 83 per cent of survey participants agree that brands that advertise on Large Format are quality brands, which is key for consumers to overcome price sensitivity and avoid replacement by home brands.”

Brands deemed an everyday luxury such as are most at risk to spending cuts with the research showing:

  • 58 per cent of respondents are planning to stop buying everyday luxury items  

  • 47 per cent of respondents plan to adopt more home brands

  • 40 per cent of respondents will only buy trusted brands

  • 77 per cent of respondents claim price is the main consideration when choosing between similar products.

Gary Rosewarne, Sales Director JCDecaux New Zealand says, “What consumers deem an everyday luxury is interesting. Respondents told us items such as coffee and tea, bread, self-care and dairy are non-negotiable in terms of buying favourite or quality brands, whereas for canned and frozen goods, and cleaning products, people are shopping the category based on price. Luxury does not mean premium, it means moments where you expect quality FMCG experiences and won’t trade down – you justify the price premium.

“The research concludes that as inflationary pressures increase – due to growing interest rates and higher prices on most things we consume – brands should be focusing on protecting purchase intent and quality perceptions. Brands can get ahead of changes to consumer spending by communicating product benefits through Out-of-Home advertising, giving consumers confidence to continue buying quality brands.”

The research also reveals that the emotion or promise of brands can overcome price sensitivity. Consumers seek validation to define which brands remain as necessities on shopping lists. Brands without meaningful quality cues or unique brand benefits may be swapped out for cheaper alternatives.

According to the research results, the traditional notion of the household shopper no longer applies. Nearly all New Zealanders are household shoppers, whether all the time or occasionally. Women still form the majority of main shoppers, while men have increasing influence, with 43 per cent identifying as the main shopper.

Key insights for New Zealand marketers include:

  • Kiwis are planning budget changes: everyday luxury brands without strong emotional reasons to buy are most at risk. Marketers should communicate their product’s benefits, particularly taste and quality, to give consumers confidence to continue buying quality brands.

  • People tend to list products, not brands on shopping lists: Certain brands have mental availability in a category – it doesn’t mean someone is shopping the entire category, it means considering the 2 – 3 brands people typically buy and potentially comparing these with specials.

  • People are thinking about upcoming meals while they are driving. Large Format Out-of-Home impacts audiences on obligatory journeys, when they are making mental shopping lists of the things they need.

  • Everyone is a household shopper: to grow penetration, FMCG marketers should be aiming to drive mass reach among all shoppers.

  • Online grocery shopping is growing: it’s also more considered and less impulsive than in-store shopping. FMCG marketers must consider how they reach and influence online shoppers, who typically tend to be younger. Out-of-Home is an effective channel to reach younger audiences, who spend more time out-and-about.

  • Advertising during difficult times drives higher sales: advertisers need to keep advertising, even when times are tough.

The research was conducted in May 2022 from 600 consumers nationwide, sourced from a nationally representative Pureprofile panel.

Access a copy of the research here.  


About JCDecaux

JCDecaux is the number one out-of-home media company worldwide, with more than 1 million advertising panels in more than 80 countries and more than 13,000 employees. For FY19, JCDecaux reported revenue of approximately €3,890 million. Incorporated in 1964 in France, JCDecaux was listed on the Paris Stock Exchange in 2001. JCDecaux has been providing high quality, architecturally designed street furniture in Australia since 1997. Its Australian and New Zealand businesses includes 40,000 assets spanning airports, rail, transit, static and digital billboards.

Key figures

  • 2021 revenue: €2,745m (a)

  • N°1 Out-of-Home Media company worldwide

  • A daily audience of more than 850 million people in more than 80 countries

  • 957,706 advertising panels worldwide

  • Present in 3,518 cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants

  • 10,720 employees

  • JCDecaux is listed on the Eurolist of Euronext Paris and is part of the Euronext 100 and Euronext Family Business indexes

  • JCDecaux is recognised for its extra-financial performance in the FTSE4Good (4.2/5), CDP (A Leadership), MSCI (AAA) and has achieved Gold Medal status from EcoVadis

  • 1st Out-of-Home Media company to join the RE100 (committed to 100% renewable energy)

  • Leader in self-service bike rental scheme: pioneer in eco-friendly mobility

  • N°1 worldwide in street furniture (530,143 advertising panels)

  • N°1 worldwide in transport advertising with 154 airports and 215 contracts in metros, buses, trains and tramways (340,753 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in Europe for billboards (72,611 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Europe (596,831 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Asia-Pacific (232,268 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Latin America (64,893 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Africa (20,808 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in the Middle East (14,177 advertising panels)