IAB releases DOOH Buyers Guide with guidance for advertisers and agencies

IAB Australia has released a Buyer’s Guide for Digital out of Home (DOOH), providing guidance on the medium, cutting through jargon and shining a light on industry best practice.  The Guide, which was developed by the IAB Australia DOOH Working Group, is the most recent to be released by IAB Australia as it seeks to support and educate the wider industry. 

The Buyers Guide comes just weeks after the release of IAB Australia’s  Attitudes to Programmatic DOOH Report that found almost one quarter of Australian agencies trading DOOH inventory programmatically for the first time during 2020, with a further 10% of agencies increasing their programmatic investment over this period.

Ben Allman, Chair of the IAB Australian DOOH Working Group commented: “With DOOH making up an increasingly significant portion of the total out of home market, our working group has pulled together a reliable and comprehensive reference resource for all those involved in the buying to planning of this channel.”

Gai Le Roy, CEO of IAB Australia said: “This guide has been designed to help provide media buyers with a thorough overview of DOOH opportunities, formats, buying methods, measurement, verification and upcoming developments. It is suitable for traditional buyers getting up to speed with digital as well as for digital buyers who need to understand the nuances of the OOH market.”

The IAB Australia DOOH Working Group is planning an agency roadshow and training program once lock down restrictions are lifted.

The Guide explores the different buying methods, understanding the programmatic supply chain, verification, and audience and measurement.  It includes a buying checklist and a glossary of terms.

Member organisations of IAB DOOH Working Group include: Amobee, Bench, Broadsign, Cartology, Hivestack, IAS, JC Decaux, MediaMath, MiQ Digital, OIS, OMA, QMS Media, Seedooh, Shopper Media Group, Tonic Media, The Trade Desk, Val Morgan Outdoor, Veridooh, Verizon Media, Verve Group, Vistar Media

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About the Interactive Advertising Bureau

As an independent industry association with more than 150 members in Australia and nearly 9,000 globally spanning media owners, publishers, technology companies, agencies, and advertisers, IAB works to align industry stakeholders to develop solutions for the issues faced by the market and develop standards that are integral to the operation of digital advertising.

IAB Australia also works closely with other industry associations including MFA and AANA to help shape the rules of play around measurement, Australian Digital Ad Practices, mentorship, global tech and policy work, Tech Lab standards, standardising terminology and supporting the broad media and marketing community.
