Einsteinz Communications named in top 4 channel PR agencies in Australia

This morning we awoke to the news that Forrester had released its list of top channel focused PR firms in the world and we are delighted to report that Einsteinz Communications was named as one of just four on that list in Australia, with special mention of our senior consultant, Emma Keen.

This wasn’t something Einsteinz submitted an entry for, it was based on media companies and consultants nominating their favoured agencies and consultants.

Forrester wrote in its announcement about the importance of solid PR support, noting that “the value of finding a strong channel-focused PR person (or firm) is more important than ever” and that “having someone jump into this walled garden without a nuanced knowledge of partner influence and visibility is bound to fail and not deliver ROI.”

We are honoured.

In our opinion it comes down to one very important differentiator – you can’t fake experience – and our team at Einsteinz Communications has experience in spades. 

You can read the fully story here, but we’d also like to flag one particular snip about channel PR in today’s challenged market. It’s something we speak about often with our clients and it’s something that we’ll continue to help businesses navigate in the months and years ahead:  

The media isn’t interested in puff pieces (especially during a pandemic) and thinly veiled marketing content.

Journalists are under increasing pressure to produce results and get digital content out there at a rapid rate. PR needs to be a valuable content provider for the media, providing assets they can use to develop quick and meaningful stories. Agility is becoming one of the most important metrics for rating PR agencies.

We hear from partners as well as media executives that short-form, or “snackable,” content is growing, as social media has become the No. 1 source for eyeballs. This has replaced development of long-form, in-depth narratives. Either way, it is about storytelling directly to a partner audience comprised of very busy, small businesses.

Channel leaders need to develop compelling and persuasive narratives that fit into these new content formats.