Express Virtual Meetings launches high-definition video conferencing technology

A customised next-level solution accessible to all types of businesses

Express Virtual Meetings (EVM), a leading provider of audio, web and video conferencing services and part of the MNF Group, has launched its enterprise-grade, high-definition video conferencing service, representing a sweeping change to the way organisations communicate and collaborate.

Enterprise-grade HD video conferencing technology has historically been considered cost prohibitive to most businesses unless they are large organisations with expensive in-house infrastructure and experienced IT departments. EVM’s video-conferencing solution brings the latest in enterprise-grade HD video conferencing technology into the mainstream for businesses of all sizes.

EVM’s video conferencing solution enables customers who wish to hold video conferences, without the expense of purchasing and managing expensive and complex hardware infrastructure such as multi-point conferencing units (MCUs), separate gateways, and storage or playback devices, to conduct multi-party video meetings using any video conferencing system. 

PC or mobile users without access to a video conferencing end point can also join a video conference seamlessly via their web browser using WebRTC (without needing to download any software) and retain superior sound and video quality.   

“Our brand new, high-definition (H.323) video conferencing solution provides exceptional audio and video quality and is a big step forward in terms of availing this fantastic technology to Australian businesses of all types,” Andrea Goding, General Manager for Express Virtual Meetings explains.

“Our video conferencing infrastructure is housed in secure data centres in Australia, and is independent of the pubic internet which means our customers are less likely to experience sound or visual lag or drop outs that users of traditional online meeting applications experience from time-to-time. Most importantly, our state-of-the-art security encryption technology - which aligns with standard security protocols – protects the transmission of voice and video data impeding potential threats to customer security and privacy,” Ms Goding said.

EVMs’ video conferencing solution can be used for everyday meetings, or customised for large-scale special events where the company’s on-demand, conference management team work closely with customers, end-to-end, to ensure their event is a success.

“We are very excited to launch this solution. It’s suitable for organisations that already have H.323/SIP end points available or those who are experiencing the frustrating short comings of their current online meeting tools and are ready to take their video conferencing to the next level,” Ms Goding concluded.

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About EVM

Express Virtual Meetings is an award-winning Australian-owned and operated conferencing provider, offering a wide range of reliable and flexible audio, web, video and operator-assisted conferencing options. We have been servicing small to medium businesses and large-scale enterprises in Australia and around the world for over 15 years.