Data Exchange unveils innovative AutofloorTM technology in Edge Data Centre Module

Patent Pending Technology allows DXN to deploy more computer capacity 

Data Exchange Network Limited (ASX: DXN), Australia’s first truly modular data centre operator offering colocation services, has delivered its first Edge data centre module incorporating its innovative patent pending AutofloorTM technology.

DXN’s AutofloorTM technology enables it to deploy more compute capacity in a single ISO containerised module than a typical static rack approach allows. For this project, DXN’s AutofloorTM allowed the entire Edge data centre solution, which has been built for a large Australian energy company, to be deployed into a single module rather than two, offering a smaller footprint and much lower cost to the customer. The completed module will ship to site in November, ready for final commissioning in early 2019.

This Edge Infrastructure data centre module is the fifth bespoke module to be completed for DXN customers this year, with the company on track to complete a total of 11 units by the end of December 2019. In addition, DXN is currently building two colocation facilities in Sydney and Melbourne using its innovative modular data centre technology with a pipeline of further colocation centres under evaluation in Australia and Asia throughout 2019/2020.

According to Data Exchange CEO and co-founder Peter Christie, DXN’s modular solutions for Edge Infrastructure are perfectly suited to industrial deployments to support energy, mining, and factory automation, noting “We are seeing a marked increase in opportunities to manufacture data centres for these uses and have almost tripled our sales pipeline for mission critical infrastructure in the half year to December 2018.”

He continued, “It’s fantastic to see this next generation of our AutofloorTM and the newly configured controller in action. For projects like this one, where space is at a premium on-site, AutofloorTM delivers a significant advantage. Static racks allow only 10 or 12 racks in a single module whereas the AutofloorTM offers up to 18 in the same space. For this customer, the saved space is used for backup battery and UPS, allowing the entire DC to be deployed inside one module”.

The bespoke Edge Infrastructure data centre module was designed, engineered and fabricated at DXN’s factory in Balcatta Western Australia.

DXN is fast becoming known throughout APAC for its cost effective and agile approach to the development of Edge infrastructure and continues to fill out its product range to meet the growing demand. By being vertically integrated, DXN can tailor solutions to suit unique situations and deliver them in a fraction of the time it typically takes to achieve the same result from other data centre technology fabricators.



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About Data Exchange

Data Exchange (DXN) designs, builds, owns and operates data centres. Offering integrated, customised and tailored solutions to clients, DXN provides businesses with the option of delivering solutions to site through containerised modules, or space in DXN’s modular colocation facilities to suit technical specifications and operational requirements. From a single rack in the colocation facilities through to fully customised Edge Infrastructure, DXN can deliver a range of solutions to meet modern data centre requirements.

To find out more about Data Exchange’s Modular colocation facilities visit