IAB launches Ad Tech Advisory Council and outlines priorities for 2015

Audio Council, Mobile Centre of Excellence and Training Certification planned

IAB Australia has announced the formation of its Ad Tech Advisory Council, which will take full advantage of the IAB’s scale, competencies and member base to identify and address critical issues in advertising technology innovation.  Launch members include Appnexus, Amobee, Sizmek, Criteo, Adroll, Exponential, Integral Ad Science, Radium One and SpotXchange.

The announcement comes as IAB Australia outlined its priorities for 2015, including the introduction of a Mobile Centre of Excellence; new training certification programs; an increased focus on cross screen advertising; and plans to introduce a wider range of councils and working groups, including a Digital Audio Council, which will address the rapidly expanding needs of the digital advertising industry.

“Twelve months ago we launched IAB’s digital ‘big tent’ remit, with the objective of empowering the media and marketing industry to thrive in the digital economy.  We have had considerable success with a wide range of initiatives and industry support has been tremendous, however there is always more to be done,” said Alice Manners, CEO of IAB Australia.  “In 2015 every company involved in the sale of interactive advertising revenue will have an even greater opportunity to have a voice in the process of continuing to define the future of digital advertising in Australia.”

The Ad Tech Advisory Council brings an exceptional depth of knowledge which will be invaluable for brands.  One of its first actions will be to survey marketers, to better understand the challenges and pressing concerns of the marketplace and then to look at operational solutions from a brand perspective.  Their goal will be to focus on how technological innovations can deliver value and business outcomes for marketers Australia–wide, focusing on technical standards, operating guidelines, research, marketing, value-chain relationships and best practices.

IAB’s Mobile Centre of Excellence set for launch later this quarter will be an industry resource providing useful support and information to advertisers about the ever-growing potential of mobile.  Nielsen Mobile and Tablet Audience Measurement data will also be stocked in the Mobile Centre.

IAB will launch its Digital Audio Council later in 2015, with the purpose of creating standards and best practices to help bring clarity to the audio marketplace. The Council will strive to educate marketers and agencies on the value of audio as a powerful and effective advertising medium, particularly since music and other forms of audio content increasingly are being delivered digitally via the Internet.

An increased focus on cross-screen effectiveness, audience planning and data integration will occur through 2015 for IAB, with a significant research project planned for late 2015 looking at cross-screen campaign optimisation focusing on video across TV, desktop and mobile.  The project will explore the "value" of each channel and the multiplier effect, with the aim of assisting marketers in delivering campaign impact beyond brand advertising and through to sales.

Other IAB 2015 activities will include the rollout of a new and updated training program with a continued focus on professional development via the IAB Certification Program. This is the first globally recognised and industry-led professional certification program for the digital media industry aimed at establishing and measuring the baseline digital industry knowledge required for digital advertising professionals.

Adtech Advisory Council:  

(Left to right) Back row: Dave Osborn - Appnexus; Jeremy Crooks - Criteo; Alice Manners - IAB Australia; Ben Sharp - Adroll; and Ben Maudsley - Exponential.

Front row: Matt Hunt - Amobee; Carolyn Bollaci - Sizmek; Evgeny Popov - Radium One; Matt Von der Muhll – SpotXchange.

(Not pictured: Stephen Dolan, Integral Ad Science)


About the Interactive Advertising Bureau

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Limited is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia and was incorporated in July 2010. As one of over 40 IAB offices globally, and with a rapidly growing membership, IAB Australia’s principal objective is to support and enable the media and marketing industry to ensure that they thrive in the digital economy.

IAB Australia’s board includes representatives of Carsales.com, Fairfax Media, Google, Mi9, Network, News Australia, REA Group, Telstra, TressCox Lawyers and Yahoo7. It has four objectives:

  • To be the ‘big tent’ for the entire digital advertising industry and define the future of digital advertising
  • To deliver the benefits of ad funded interactive experiences to Australians
  • To develop, coordinate and promote industry standards and guidelines that make interactive advertising a simpler and more attractive medium for agencies, advertisers and marketers
  • To prove and promote the effectiveness of interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies, marketers and the press

For further information about IAB Australia please visit: www.iabaustralia.com.au