IT Leaders under pressure to support employee-owned devices

Employee-owned laptops, tablets and smartphones crossing the corporate threshold increases

A commissioned study* conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dimension Data on the desktop  virtualisation  market reveals that two thirds of the 546 organisations surveyed had experienced end-user interest in BYOD policies.  In addition, while PCs remain the primary endpoint, 20 - 22% of organisations said they’re already providing support for employee-owned laptops, tablets and smartphones, with a further 16 - 21% planning to do so over next two years.

Peter Menadue, Group General Manager, Microsoft Solutions, can offer some unique insights into the trends unfolding in the sector,
Australia-specific results reveal that:

  • Australian trends reflect global statists: two thirds of the organisations surveyed had experienced end-user interest in BYOD policies.
  • For Australia, from 10 - 18 percent say they are already providing support for employee owned laptops, tablets and smartphones
  • From 18 - 26 percent of organisations in Australia are planning to do so over the next two years.
  • In AU, 36 percent say that they see improved self-service as a primary reason for supporting employee-owned slates, tablets, netbooks and laptops
  • The AU numbers echo the global percentage, in that 47 percent see lower purchase costs as a key driver for embracing BYOD.

Press Release

Sydney – 15 September 2011
: Increasing numbers of employee-owned laptops, tablets and smartphones crossing the corporate threshold are driving organisations to embrace bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies.  At the same time they’re challenging them to strike a balance between enablement and flexibility on the one hand, and the business’ demands for control and security on the other. 

A commissioned study* conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dimension Data on the desktop  virtualisation  market reveals that two thirds of the 546 organisations surveyed had experienced end-user interest in BYOD policies.  In addition, while PCs remain the primary endpoint, 20 - 22% of organisations said they’re already providing support for employee-owned laptops, tablets and smartphones, with a further 16 - 21% planning to do so over next two years.

Ettienne Reinecke, Dimension Data’s Chief Technology Officer said, “While most BYOD policies are in the early stages of implementation, the research indicates that growing employee interest is pushing organisations to think differently. 

“Of those participants surveyed,  50% said that they see improved self-service as a primary reason for supporting employee-owned slates, tablets, netbooks and laptops, while 47% see lower purchase costs as a key driver for embracing BYOD. 

“The data suggests that desktop and application virtualisation is set to play a key role in supporting employee-owned devices and improving workforce flexibility.  Indeed, desktop virtualisation’s true value lies in the enablement of mobility, and flexibility regarding device choice, security and management ease,” he explained.

Reinecke cautions organisations that view BYOD policies as purely an IT responsibility.  “As organisations look to enable employees to use their own devices, there will be an impact on other people and corporate process issues such as policies, legal liability, human resources, and training and support. 

“Organisations that prioritise and embrace desktop and application virtualisation will be able to grant employees the flexibility to work anytime, anywhere on a range of devices, and better manage access to confidential information.”

To download the Forrester desktop virtualisation research results, visit


About Dimension Data
Founded in 1983, Dimension Data plc is an ICT services and solutions provider that uses its technology expertise, global service delivery capability, and entrepreneurial spirit to accelerate the business ambitions of its clients. Dimension Data is a member of the NTT Group.
* Dimension Data  commissioned Forrester Consulting to carry out research on the desktop virtualisation market.  Forrester surveyed  546 enterprises across all industries in Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia with with 500 or more employees concerning their client virtualisation and end user computing plans.