Disappointing TIO complaint statistics released today point to the urgency of implementing a tougher new industry code that has been drafted by industry and consumer groups, Communications Alliance said today.
Communications Alliance CEO John Stanton said that although the March quarter figures were influenced by specific networks events and other factors, the telecommunications industry had openly acknowledged that significant improvement was needed in customer service and complaint handling.
A draft revision of the Communications Alliance Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code is awaiting feedback from regulators and, once implemented, will help generate a step-change improvement in service and satisfaction levels across the industry.
Mr Stanton said the new Code brings enhanced consumer protections and a strong framework to ensure all service providers are required to comply with the Code. A similar code covering Mobile Premium Services has seen consumer complaints in that sector decrease by more than 70%.
Mr Stanton said many service providers were investing heavily in system and operational improvements to further improve customer experience.
He noted that while much attention had been given to the network issues that are now being vigorously remedied by Vodafone, the complaintsreceived by the TIO about Vodafone’s services had actually fallen significantly in February and again in March, compared to January 2011 – a welcome trend.
Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry. Through a range of successful programs, events and initiatives, Communications Alliance has a leadership role in facilitating industry-based solutions to sectoral issues and is taking steps to bring to fruition the broadband and digital era, including leading the industry’s involvement in the National Broadband Network implementation. For further information visit www.commsalliance.com.au