Communications Alliance welcomes Government’s Digital Economy Strategy

Communications Alliance today welcomed the Government’s Digital Economy Strategy as a constructive step toward ensuring Australians derive the benefit they deserve from their investment in the creation of a National Broadband Network.
Communications Alliance CEO, John Stanton, said the strategy unveiled by the Minister for Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy, Senator Conroy, was well-targeted but would require concerted stakeholder buy-in across industry, the community and – in particular – across all tiers of Australian Government, if the stated goals for 2020 were to be realised.
“International experience shows that rolling out a network alone will not deliver a digitally-engaged population,” Mr Stanton said.
“The successful drive for digital engagement in countries such as the Republic of Korea began with a comprehensive approach to online delivery of Government services, which laid the platform for widespread uptake of a broader range of online activity in the community and in business.
“We need to see State and Local Governments fully engaged with the Federal initiative and contributing their impetus to the growth and optimisation of Australia’s digital economy,” said Mr Stanton.
Communications Alliance welcomed the fact the Strategy is underpinned by funded initiatives across a range of sectors.
“The work to be undertaken by the Human Services portfolio to improve service delivery and human interaction with government and the further studies under the “Tell Us Once” initiative are not headline-grabbers, but may prove key to realising real benefits in the lives of many Australians,” Mr Stanton said.
He said Communications Alliance would continue its industry-led work to assist NBN Co in rolling out its network, and would look for every opportunity to advance the Digital Economy cause.
Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry.  Through a range of successful programs, events and initiatives, Communications Alliance has a leadership role in facilitating industry-based solutions to sectoral issues and is taking steps to bring to fruition the broadband and digital era, including leading the industry’s involvement in the National Broadband Network implementation. For further information visit