Communications Alliance and the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES) at the University of Melbourne today announced a research project exploring communications regulation in the digital economy.
The National Broadband Network and increasing convergence challenges traditional settings and methods for regulating the telecommunications and media sectors. The collaborative project, Communication Regulation in the Digital Economy, will explore the principles, objectives and mechanisms needed to optimise converged digital communications in Australia.
Communications Alliance CEO, John Stanton, said the project was aimed squarely at elevating the debate on Digital Economy strategy and at providing substantive inputs to the Government’s 2011 Convergence Review.
IBES research leader, Associate Professor Scott McQuire said, “This research will provide a comprehensive and up to date assessment of the telecommunications sector through interviews with a range of key stakeholders, as well as undertake international benchmarking by surveying developments in comparable countries. The findings of this research project will be a valuable tool in shaping future policy directions and will help to establish the basis for new regulatory instruments for a converged digital economy.”
The research is framed by two key concerns: i) to better situate telecommunications-specific issues in relation to transformations occurring across the media and communication sectors, and ii) to rethink telecommunications regulation in the context of the emerging digital economy, in order to achieve policy consistency across various Government agencies.
The research is expected to assist in the development of industry positions that may be used as an input to the Commonwealth Government’s Convergence Review, and will provide a sound basis for industry and government to shape future policy directions for the digital economy.
About Comms Alliance
Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry. Through a range of successful programs, events and initiatives, Communications Alliance has a leadership role in facilitating industry-based solutions to sectoral issues and is taking steps to bring to fruition the broadband and digital era, including leading the industry’s involvement in the National Broadband Network implementation. For further information visit
About IBES
IBES is a research and development venture that focuses on the full range of applications and technologies relating to next-generation broadband. It combines the University of Melbourne's world-leading research in broadband technologies and applications, such as e-health, e-education, digital environments, culture and communications and legal and regulatory issues related to broadband, together with a state-of-the-art test-bed laboratory which uses 'fibre to the home' and wireless technology to demonstrate realistic broadband operation. The IBES Industry Partner Program promotes and facilitates collaborative interactions between partners and the Institute. It assists industry players with the aspects of network design and planning, product development and improvement that they need to deliver innovative, communications products and services.