Communications Alliance, the peak body for the Australian communications industry, today released for public comment a framework for business-to-business (B2B) interactions between NBN Co and Retail Service Providers (RSPs).
The draft NBN B2B Interaction Process Requirements Specification has been developed by the Operational working group of the Communications Alliance NBN Project in response to NBN Co’s proposed B2B provisioning portal. It is based on the NICC B2B and ITU 3340 standards.
The Specification identifies the primary B2B interactions and accompanying processes that RSPs will be required to implement in order to deliver a working service to an end user on the National Broadband Network.
Communications Alliance CEO John Stanton said the document highlights the benefits of collaboration between the industry and NBN Co:
“Smooth and effective communication channels between NBN Co and service providers will be crucial to ensuring a world class experience for customers, and this paper provides an excellent initial blueprint,” Mr Stanton said.
Included in the draft NBN B2B Interaction Process Requirements Specification are scenarios for the following critical provisioning processes:
- Order fulfilment
- Appointment management
- Service assurance
- Network testing and diagnostics
- Billing
The draft NBN B2B Interaction Process Requirements Specification is available from the Communications Alliance website at:
Interested parties are invited to comment on the draft Specification, with the public comment period closing at 5pm (AEST) on Friday 3 September 2010. Responses will be published on the Communications Alliance website.
The Communications Alliance NBN Project was established in July 2009 and includes seven working groups: NBN Reference Model; Wholesale Services; Early Stage Deployments; End User Premises; Operational; Technical; and End User Migration.
Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry. It presents a unified voice for its members in public policy, facilitates industry solutions to industry issues, and provides up-to-date information on industry issues. Communications Alliance is also leading the industry's response to the National Broadband Network implementation. For further information see