Communications Industry Develops End User Premises Handbook for the NBN

Public Comment Invited on Draft Handbook

Communications Alliance has released a draft handbook of practices and guidelines for the installation and operation of the NBN at customers’ homes, businesses and other service sites.

The draft National Broadband Network End User Premises Installation, Distribution, Testing and Associated Practice Handbook details key information and issues and is intended provide a common reference point for further discussions between the communications industry, construction industry, NBN Co, government and regulators.

Developed by the End User Premises working group of the Communications Alliance NBN Project, the Handbook is designed to:


  • Form a common architecture and language for NBN End User Premises to aid in discussion of components, issues and solutions;
  • Describe the main NBN End User Premises components and the key details surrounding each component;
  • Provide a consolidated view of options for NBN End User Premises, particularly around features, installation, testing and diagnostics; and
  • Draw attention to existing NBN End User Premises-related Standards and Codes and propose modifications or the development of new Standards and Codes where required.

“The End User Premises Handbook marks a significant milestone for the NBN Project as we begin focusing on the delivery of services to end-users.  The installation and delivery of NBN services will be a highly complex undertaking involving many stakeholders.  This Handbook will provide a reference point and common language for all involved in the NBN End User Premises environment to explore the issues and determine appropriate solutions,” said Anne Hurley, Communications Alliance CEO.

“I would like to thank the members of the End User Premises working group for their dedication and outstanding contributions to the development of this important resource,” commented Ms Hurley.

The Communications Alliance NBN Project defines End User Premises as any home, business or service site connected to the NBN via FTTP or a fixed wireless service.  This includes single and multi-dwelling units, non-dwelling premises, and existing premises (brownfields).  It is anticipated that once connected to the NBN, all End User Premises will be able to access one or more service providers simultaneously. 

Currently, the Handbook focuses on fixed access network technologies, including point-to-multipoint Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) technology and point-to-point Active Ethernet technology.  However, a subsequent version of this document will also address wireless access network technologies.

The draft National Broadband Network End User Premises Installation, Distribution, Testing and Associated Practice Handbook is available from the Communications Alliance website at:

Communications Alliance invites interested parties to comment on the Handbook and submissions are due by 5pm on Friday 12 February 2010.  Responses to the paper will be published on the Communications Alliance website.

The Communications Alliance NBN Project was established in July 2009 and includes seven working groups: NBN Reference Model; Wholesale Services; Early Stage Deployments; End User Premises; Operational; Technical; and End User Migration.  The NBN Project has already released two draft papers, NBN Reference Architecture (15 October 2009) and NBN Wholesale Service Definition Framework – Ethernet (19 November 2009).


Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry.  It presents a unified voice for its members in public policy, facilitates industry solutions to industry issues, and provides up-to-date information on industry issues.  Communications Alliance is also leading the industry's response to the National Broadband Network implementation.  For further information see