 Communications Alliance CEO to step down in 2010

The Board of Communications Alliance today announced Chief Executive Officer Anne Hurley’s decision to step down from the role in 2010.

In making the announcement, Communications Alliance Chair, Neville Stevens, paid tribute to Ms Hurley’s contribution to the Australian telecommunications industry.

“Anne has presided over Communications Alliance during the most significant growth period in the communications industry’s history,” said Mr Stevens.

“Under Anne’s leadership, Communications Alliance has become the industry’s peak body with a large and committed membership. Anne has cemented the organisation’s reputation as the voice of the industry and ensured that Communications Alliance is consulted on all key industry issues.

“The Board will now begin the search for a new CEO who can continue Anne’s great work and lead the industry into the digital era,” added Mr Stevens.

Commenting on her decision, Ms Hurley said: “After five years with Communications Alliance and its predecessor, ACIF, I believe the time is right to hand over the reigns and pursue a different leadership position.

“I have been thinking about this for some time and flagged it with the Board when I renewed my contract earlier this year. While it has been a difficult decision, I feel privileged to have represented the communications industry for the past five years.” Ms Hurley continued.

“I am particularly proud of the industry’s ability to work together to develop world-class technical and operational solutions, enhanced protections for its customers, and unified positions on important policy issues.  These achievements stand us in good stead for our latest role at the forefront of the industry’s NBN preparations,” she said.

About Communications Alliance

Communications Alliance is the peak industry body for the Australian communications sector. Its mission is to create a co-operative stakeholder environment that allows the industry to take the lead on initiatives which grow the Australian communications industry and foster the highest standards of business behaviour. For further information see www.commsalliance.com.au