 Communications Alliance pilots online compliance tool

Communications Alliance, the peak body for the Australian communications industry, today announced a pilot of its new online compliance and training tool for customer service excellence.

The Assess, Comply, Deliver (ACD) Tool will assist the communications industry to self-assess compliance with customer service and complaint handling obligations outlined in the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code. It will also provide training tips that can be incorporated into existing staff training programmes.

Communications Alliance CEO Anne Hurley said the tool has been developed to promote compliance with the TCP Code and increase customer satisfaction across the industry.

“The ACD Tool will make it easier for our members to ensure they comply with the TCP Code and promote best practice in customer service and complaint handling.

“Customer service is a key issue for our industry and Communications Alliance is supporting our members’ commitment to enhancing customer satisfaction through the development of this tool and other initiatives such as our Customer Service Summit later this month,” Ms Hurley said.

Beginning this week, the three month ACD Tool trial is open to Communications Alliance members bound by the TCP Code (see http://commsalliance.com.au/Activities/acd for details). The ACD Tool will be officially released later this year following the conclusion of the trial and will be available free of charge to all Communications Alliance members.

The ACD Tool is designed for individual use by an organisation and provides a simple online framework for participants to verify compliance by providing robust examples of how they comply with TCP Code rules.

Once complete, the Tool provides the organisation with a snapshot of areas where it is performing well and areas requiring further attention. The Tool will assist service providers to establish, maintain and demonstrate a proactive compliance culture in the critical areas of customer service and complaint handling.

About Communications Alliance

Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry. It presents a unified voice for its members in public policy,facilitates industry solutions to industry issues, and provides up-to-date information on industry issues. Communications Alliance is also leading the industry's response to the National Broadband Network implementation. For further information see www.commsalliance.com.au